30 August 2010

Resident Of America Are Prisoner:

One of the common lies with regard to America is that "Americans are protected by two oceans". Even Osama bin Laden made such an assertion. The truth is that resident of America are kept as PRISONER of organized crime by ocean along both of the continental coast.

People subjected to many of the condition imposed by organized crime in America would have long since left their home by foot or cart or automobile but because there exists a similar situation in Canada and Mexico then there is little opportunity to safely leave.

Nazi have been fighting of this organized crime of Jew since long before the administration of Adolph Hitler.

Most of resident of America think that they would be free but are actually prisoners of organized crime.


Monster Made By Frankenstein:

As written in Our other blog: "Abraham Lincoln was made by Hebrew. Project Lincoln put the brain of Hebrew together with the skull of Cro-Magnon Man."

The Jew was engaging in similar hybriding of people and the result was the real monster made by Frankenstein. "Frankenstein" refers to "Frank-in-Stein".

"Frank" refers to the brain of Jew [as in "frankincense"] and "Stein" refers to the skull of yellow or blue Negro[1]. Thus the Jew made hybrid people by combining of the brain of Jew plus the features of some of non-Jew. That hybrid made by Jew is the real Frankenstein monster.

Adolph Hitler was not Frankenstein; Adolph Hitler was real Hebrew [Nazi] and was battling the Frankenstein monster and their organization [Freemasonry].

The foundation principle of Freemasonry has been their FALSE claim of being of Hebrew. Freemason have falsely claimed to be Hebrew and those Freemason are actually the Frankenstein hybrid having of the brain of Jew.

The American Civil War was actually a battle between the brain of the real Hebrew [Nazi] as in Abraham Lincoln and the brain of Jew [Frankenstein] fighting for their Confederacy of organized crime.

American and British Frankenstein [Jew] Freemasons went to war in support of German Frankenstein [Jew] Freemasons and against the real Hebrew [Nazi].

Freemasons are the Frankenstein monster having of the brain of Jew [Cro-Magnon Man].

[1]See section labeled "Color-Code" at U-R-L 'http://blog-of-christ.blogspot.com/' or 'http://www.tinyurl.com/pelonius/'.


23 August 2010

Original Title:

Few people appear to have noticed that the translated original title of "Mein Kampf" by Adolph Hitler is "Four and a Half Years (of Struggle) Against Lies, Stupidity and Cowardice".

Even the shortened title which is "My Struggle" then[1] often remains untranslated as "Mein Kampf" on the book-cover of translated versions as to inhibit many of people from realizing the true nature of that book.

[1]"Rests" belong in music instead of in English. The comma often leads to ambiguity. Instead of using of the comma then correct English syntax includes: (1) if [...] then [...]; (2) which is [...] then [...]; each as [...] then [...]; (4) [subordinate clause] [then] [independent clause]. The expression "and-then" is used where just "then" would have been used to indicate sequence.


20 August 2010

The Name "Nazi":

The name "Nazi" was chosen by Hebrew because "Nazi" refers to "none-Jew".

"Na" translates to "none"; "zi" is an abbreviation of "ziet" [sh*t] which refers to Jew. Thus "na-ziet" became the name "Nazi".

The name "Zion" and other term associated with "Zion" [Zion*] are also correctly interpreted as being related to the word "ziet" [sh*t].


13 August 2010

Hebrew Is Nazi:

As written in Our other blog[1]: From Hebrew then Jew and Judaist stole the Star of David[2] and polluted Scripture of Hebrew with lies which they called "Judaism"[3].

The real Hebrew who are the species of Moses the Hebrew did at some time following of that theft chose the name "Nazi" for identification and the Swastika for Our symbol; both of which are as intended clearly distinguishable from those criminal Jew and Judaist. Therefore: Hebrew is Nazi.

Naziism is the true faith of Hebrew [Nazi] and followers of Naziism are Naziists[4].

[1]See section labeled "Hebrew Versus Jew" and section labeled "Our Scripture" at U-R-L 'http://blog-of-christ.blogspot.com/' or 'http://www.tinyurl.com/pelonius/'.
[2]King David the Hebrew.
[3]Among many of other items with regard to which Jew and Judaist have lied: The Pharaohs were Jew. The first-born Egyptian males who were Jew were slain while God protected the Hebrew.
[4]The other spelling as "Nazism" and "Nazists" is acceptable.
