13 August 2010

Hebrew Is Nazi:

As written in Our other blog[1]: From Hebrew then Jew and Judaist stole the Star of David[2] and polluted Scripture of Hebrew with lies which they called "Judaism"[3].

The real Hebrew who are the species of Moses the Hebrew did at some time following of that theft chose the name "Nazi" for identification and the Swastika for Our symbol; both of which are as intended clearly distinguishable from those criminal Jew and Judaist. Therefore: Hebrew is Nazi.

Naziism is the true faith of Hebrew [Nazi] and followers of Naziism are Naziists[4].

[1]See section labeled "Hebrew Versus Jew" and section labeled "Our Scripture" at U-R-L 'http://blog-of-christ.blogspot.com/' or 'http://www.tinyurl.com/pelonius/'.
[2]King David the Hebrew.
[3]Among many of other items with regard to which Jew and Judaist have lied: The Pharaohs were Jew. The first-born Egyptian males who were Jew were slain while God protected the Hebrew.
[4]The other spelling as "Nazism" and "Nazists" is acceptable.
